All About Affirmations
The idea of having a mantra or affirmation has been around for many years, and for good reason. Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine, whether it be in the morning, evening, or whenever you feel overwhelmed, trains your brain to accept self-positivity and promotes more positive thoughts and behaviors. Read on to learn why affirmation works and a list of our favorite affirmations.
Why do Affirmations Work?
Just like practicing an instrument deepens your skill, repeating affirmations deepens your neural pathways related to positive self-image and confidence. This is called neuroplasticity, or your brain’s ability to edit and strengthen mental connections. We can harness this ability by repeatedly practicing self-love out loud, literally ingraining positivity into the brain. Saying something positive about oneself can also release “happy” brain chemicals like dopamine, making praise a mood-boosting experience. You don’t have to fully believe in your affirmation 100% of the time for the practice to benefit you - after all, nobody feels great all day, every day. Simply picking affirmations that you see flashes of yourself in and latching onto those can reinforce even the slightest glimmer of self-confidence you may have. With that, we now present a list of our favorite affirmations for you to consider. Try picking 2-5 to return to throughout the day whenever you need to ground yourself.
Affirmations for Worthiness
I choose to be kind to myself.
I am worth loving.
I only speak kindly to myself.
I deserve to be paid well for the work I do.
I deserve to speak up about my needs and wants.
I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.
Affirmations for Deep Self-Love
I am filled with gratitude for who I am.
I love that I am real rather than perfect.
I love the person I am becoming.
I trust myself and my feelings completely.
I am courageous and I speak my truth.
I am complete and worthy just the way I am.
Affirmations for Relationships
I am a magnet for amazing friendships.
Supportive people are called into my life.
I attract relationships that help me grow.
I give and receive love freely.
I am my own best friend and love my company.
Affirmations for Body Image
I am noticing the health and beauty in my body.
I am learning to love the body I have.
I am grateful to have a body that moves me and supports me.
My body is the least interesting thing about me.
We hope that these affirmations inspire you to incorporate a mantra routine into your day. Affirmations can be a great wellbeing practice and supplement to your mental health. That being said, creating change and healing from trauma and mental illness will require more than an affirmation routine. If you’re struggling right now, or simply want a guiding hand on your mental health journey, please give AWC a call today at (248) 413 - 5865 to be matched with an experienced therapist.
Inspired by Instagram post by @theremoteyogi